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Who are we?

Branch is a registered Community Benefit Society specialising in bespoke homes providing personalised living environments designed to facilitate the successful meeting of people’s care and support needs, so enabling them to have better, happier, lives, wherever they want to live. 

The achievement of this requires a commitment to close, trusting relationships with all our key partners, bringing together those in health, social care, construction and property maintenance, as well as relevant others. But Branch’s most important partners are the people who live in its homes. We therefore exist to always serve them well.

Broadly, through its housing and partnerships, aims to contribute to the creation of better lives for people, who, for diverse reasons, occupy positions of inequality in our society, and who therefore experience undue exclusion from opportunity. This especially applies to people who have been removed from their communities for care and accommodation. 

How do we do it?

We look for partners who share similar values and work hard to meet the best humanitarian and practical standards to make sure people in our homes enjoy a contented, homely experience. This requires the quality of building and its subsequent maintenance to be of high order. The essential test of this will always be whether or not our tenants are happy with what we are doing.

Ultimately, the achievement of these aims depends on the creation of open and honest relationships, which are core ingredients of how Branch endeavours to work with everyone, both internally and externally.

Our key partnerships include

  • Builders who create new homes or renovate existing ones, to a high physical standard across England.

  • Care and Support specialists, whose professional input is key to enabling the people we accommodate to live their lives in normal communities, even though their needs may be complex and challenging.

  • Local Councils, for example, to give people with vulnerabilities improved lives, including reintegrating hitherto dislocated people back into their home communities. Also, to facilitate the provision of rented accommodation for key-workers, especially in areas like the South East where it tends to be scarce and expensive.

  • The NHS, for instance, to facilitate discharges from long-stay hospitals, so that care can be provided nearer to home, family and friends.

Contact Us
The aforementioned comments represent but a brief glimpse into what Branch is about. Therefore, if what you have seen interests you, we are always happy for you to meet us to see who we are, and to hear more about what we have already had to say. We promise a thoughtful, creative, response to any enquiry, especially the challenges you might be facing; our contact number is 0161 711 1390 and our email address is

Registered Community Benefit Society in England and Wales. (FCA Registration Number: 8548)

© Branch Housing 2022