Our Trustees

Our trustees have worked across the public, private and voluntary sector throughout their careers.

Kevin Sheridan

As a trustee Kevin brings the skill and experience from 47 years as an enthusiastic social care professional, working up to the highest level, and in every function and speciality. Kevin has extensive partnership know-how within all parts of local government, the NHS, as well as the commercial and voluntary sectors, enabling best outcomes via a sensitive approach to care and housing solutions.

John Jory

John Jory was a Council Chief Executive for over 16 years. He is very experienced at running successful organisations and at working with politicians and senior officers to achieve aims and objectives, particularly around helping those most in need. He was instrumental in setting up Pathway For Care in 2016 as an arms-length local authority owned supported living company, now trading as Transforming Support within Transforming PLC. He is an experienced Company and Board level Director.

Andrea Richards

Andrea Richards has worked as a consultant across health and social care for the past 15 years. She is a qualified social worker and accountant and has extensive experience of transforming services across children’s services, young people and adults and is passionate about providing excellent outcome focused services for individuals, families, and communities. She is driven by the need to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities so that they are able to experience the same opportunities as everyone else. Although predominantly her work has been in the transformation of services for LA or CCG, she now brings this experience to the provider sector and will use this to drive ahead services that enhance the lives of people living in their communities in partnership with key stakeholders.

Registered society in England and Wales.

© Branch Housing 2022